Learn About CBD
Learn about CBD
Can I take CBD with medication?
Now, CBD is a biologically active compound. That means that it has known side effects but can also have some unknown consequences when we take it.
Which CBD oil extraction method is the best?
How do we extract CBD oil? Obviously, when we harvest CBD, we want to retain as much of its natural balance as possible.
How to take CBD on holiday
One question that the BeYou team frequently receives is whether or not you can take CBD while travelling. Naturally, we thought it would be something worth writing about!
CBD Myths Debunked
CBD seems to be EVERYWHERE these days. Whether its drops, sprays or even face wipes everyone wants to know what CBD is and the best ways to use. Unfortunately there are lots of myths around!
The different types of CBD, made simple!
What are the different types of CBD? What's the difference between whole plant CBD and broad spectrum CBD? Why should I consider taking CBD?
Synthetic cannabinoids: What do they mean for CBD?
It comes as no surprise that we’ve progressed to a point where we can synthesise the many different cannabinoids found in the hemp plant in a lab, but rest assured BeYou is 100% natural!
Which CBD carrier oil is the best?
Most CBD oils consist of an additional carrier oil that makes it easier for you to consume your daily dose of CBD. Time to dive in and learn more about this essential CBD oil ingredient!
What’s the difference between hemp oil and CBD oil?
If you’re interested in trying CBD, you’ll likely see both CBD oil and hemp oil products. But is there a difference? While both come from the same plant, they actually do have many differences.
CBD and the difference between psychotropic and psychoactive
With CBD understanding the distinction between psychotropic and psychoactive will help explain why CBD is seen as safe all over the world!
Eco-Conscious CBD and You
At BeYou, we take pride in our eco-conscious CBD manufacturing processes and how it can fit in with an eco-conscious life.
CBD Jargon Busting: What are Terpenes?
What are CBD terpenes and what do they contribute to CBD products?
CBD Jargon Busting: What are bioflavonoids?
What are bioflavonoids? And how do they affect CBD?